Enhance Your Massage Experience: 6 Yoga Stretches for a Perfect Post-Massage Routine

After a massage, sinking into a state of blissful relaxation may be all you want to do. But why stop there? By adding yoga to your post-massage routine, you can take your relaxation to the next level and extend the benefits of your massage for much longer.

That's why our skilled yoga teachers have curated a list of the best post-massage yoga stretches to help you maintain your sense of calm and flexibility, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed long after your session is over. Let's dive in!

Why Should You Stretch After a Massage?

After a massage, it's natural to want to sink into the couch and do nothing but bask in your post-massage glow. But to reap the most benefits from your session, it's a good idea to follow up with some yoga stretches.

Stretching after a massage can help you...

Relieve Anxiety and Stress: Yoga and massage both have calming effects on the body and mind, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety. By incorporating yoga stretches into your post-massage routine, you can extend that sense of calm and relaxation.

Improve Circulation: Yoga can enhance the benefits of massage by improving lymph and blood circulation in a similar way to massage. This helps decrease puffiness, boost healing, and reduce inflammation, among other things.

Ease Muscle Tension: Stretching after a massage can help relieve any residual muscle tension, leaving your body feeling more relaxed and supple, for a longer time. This can also help you prevent muscle soreness and stiffness.

Sleep Better: Both massage and yoga can promote better sleep. By prolonging the relaxed state achieved during your massage session, stretching after a massage can help you improve the quality of your sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Improve Focus: By helping you relax and boosting feel-good hormones like endorphins, stretching after your massage can help you improve your mental focus and concentration, making it easier to tackle your day-to-day activities calmly and efficiently.

...So now that we've convinced you to add yoga to your post-massage routine, let's explore some of the best yoga stretches to complement your massage. 

6 Best Post-Massage Yoga Stretches

Cat-Cow (Marjaiasana and Bitilasana)

Cat-Cow is a simple yet effective stretch that can help improve the flexibility of your neck, shoulders, and spine, releasing tension from your back muscles. This combination of postures is also great for promoting healthy digestion and reducing stress.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Begin on your hands and knees, in a tabletop position, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Inhale, tilting your tailbone up and lifting your head and chest toward the ceiling. This is Cow pose.
  3. Exhale, rounding your spine and tucking your chin to your chest. This is Cat pose.
  4. Repeat the sequence for 5-10 breaths, coordinating your breath with your movement.
  5. Focus on drawing your navel toward your spine on each exhale to protect your back muscles.


  • To reduce the stretch, you can perform the poses with smaller movements, or hold each pose for a shorter amount of time.
  • If you have wrist pain, you can place a rolled-up towel or blanket under your wrists for added support.
  • If you have knee pain, you can place a folded blanket or towel under your knees.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

Child's Pose is a gentle, restorative pose that can help release tension in the shoulders, neck, and back muscles. It also helps calm the mind and reduce stress, making it a great addition to your post-massage routine.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your knees slightly wider than your hips.
  2. Bring your big toes together to touch behind you.
  3. Sit back on your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you.
  4. Relax your forehead onto the mat or a block.
  5. Take deep breaths and allow your body to sink into the pose.
  6. Hold for at least 30 seconds.


  • If you have knee pain, you can widen your knees or place a rolled-up towel behind them for support.
  • If you have tight hips, you can place a bolster or pillow under your chest for added support.

Puppy Pose (Uttana shishosana)

Puppy pose is a great stretch for the shoulders and upper back, which are areas that commonly tighten due to stress. This pose can help release tension and increase flexibility in these areas, while also promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Begin in a tabletop position on your hands and knees, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Walk your hands forward a foot, spreading your fingers wide and pressing your palms into the ground.
  3. Exhale and slowly lower your chest toward the ground, keeping your hips over your knees and your arms active.
  4. Allow your forehead to rest on the ground or on a block for added support.
  5. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, focusing on deep breathing and releasing tension in your upper back and shoulders.
  6. To come out of the pose, walk your hands back toward your knees and come up to a seated position.


  • If you have knee pain, you can place a folded blanket or towel under your knees.

Seated Half Neck Rolls (Kantasanchalana)

Half Neck Rolls are a gentle stretch that releases tension in the neck muscles, providing relief from headaches and stiffness in the neck.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Begin by sitting comfortably in a seated position with your back straight.
  2. On an exhale, slowly bring your chin down to your chest, feeling a stretch in the back of your neck.
  3. Inhale, and gently bring your right ear to your right shoulder, feeling a stretch in the left side of your neck.
  4. Your next exhale brings your head back to center.
  5. Inhale, and gently bring your left ear down towards your left shoulder, feeling a stretch in the right side of your neck.
  6. Exhale and bring your head back to center.
  7. Repeat this movement for 5-10 breaths, moving slowly and mindfully.


  • If you have any neck injuries or discomfort, be sure to move slowly and gently, and only move within a comfortable range of motion.

Ragdoll Pose (Baddha Hasta Uttanasana)

Ragdoll Pose is a great way to stretch the entire back of the body and release tension in the lower back and hips, making it the perfect complement to a post-massage routine.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  2. Inhale and raise your arms above your head, bringing your palms together.
  3. On your exhale, fold forward from your hips, keeping your knees slightly bent.
  4. Allow your arms to hang loosely and grab opposite elbows.
  5. Relax your neck and let your head hang heavy.
  6. Stay in this pose for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply and slowly.
  7. When you're ready to come out of the pose, release your elbows and slowly roll up to a standing position.


  • To reduce the stretch, deepen the bend in your knees.
  • To deepen the stretch, straighten your knees.

Reclined Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)

The Reclined Twist is a great stretch to release tension in the lower back, hips, and spine, which are areas that are often targeted during a massage. This pose promotes movement and mobility in the spine and back, providing a stretch to your back muscles. It also helps improve digestion and can provide a gentle massage to your internal organs.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Lay on your back with your knees bent, and lift and shift your pelvis to the right.
  2. Draw both knees in to your chest.
  3. Extend your arms to either side.
  4. Slowly lower your legs to the left while keeping them as close together as possible.
  5. Bring your gaze to the right.
  6. Focus on breathing deeply in this position.
  7. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds.
  8. Repeat on the opposite side.


  • To reduce the stretch, you can place a pillow under both knees or in between your knees for added comfort.
  • If you want to stretch deeper, you can use your left hand to gently press down on your knees, or you can take Eagle legs by twisting the right leg around the left for a more intense twist.

Proceed with caution: Twists aren't always suitable for those with severe back problems or who are pregnant. If you experience any discomfort or pain, stop and consult with a medical professional.

Discover the Ultimate Self-Care Experience!

Ready to take your post-massage relaxation to the next level? Book a private, in-home yoga session with our skilled teachers and enhance the benefits of your massage. Or, even better, indulge in the ultimate self-care experience by booking both a massage and yoga session with us.

Book a massage and/or yoga session and treat yourself to a luxurious escape in the comfort of your own home! 

Let's begin!
