How massage improves workplace productivity: 6 benefits of workplace massage

It's no secret that employees are struggling these days. After all, juggling a busy home life and workplace stress is no easy feat! Unfortunately, burnout, depression and anxiety rates in employees are on the rise, which means more sick days, employee turnover, and lower workplace morale than ever before. Unfortunately, this problem affects small and large businesses alike. Luckily, there are many things you can do as an employer to begin to solve this problem, and one of these things happens to be massage therapy!

Workplace massage could be a great option to improve your company's productivity and employee health. This might sound counterproductive - after all, we are asking you to believe that sending employees on breaks to get massages will improve your bottom line. But it's true. Studies have shown that massage is the key to improving employees' physical and mental well-being, improving productivity and job satisfaction. Keep reading to learn the specifics!

Benefits of workplace massage for increased employee productivity

  1. Stress reduction: This one was obvious! According to the science, 15-minute on-site massages are hugely effective at reducing stress and anxiety in the workplace, leading to a healthier, more motivated team. On top of that, stress increases blood pressure and compromises the immune system, resulting in more sick days and reduced mental clarity and presence in employees. But when you add massage to the workplace, everybody wins!

  2. Increased body awareness: Massage helps assess the mind-body state and recharge, increasing energy levels and giving employees the motivation to tackle the day ahead.

  3. Better physical health: Massage therapy helps relieve muscle tension, headaches and physical pain due to musculoskeletal issues. These often occur in professionals due to long days spent at a computer, leading to distracted and unhappy employees. 

  4. More workplace positivity: Massage therapy increases levels of happiness hormones dopamine and serotonin in the brain. There's nothing better than a little mid-day endorphin boost to get your team working cheerfully and efficiently! Happy employees mean lower employee turnover and less absenteeism, two very good things for your bottom line.

  5. Improved mental clarity: Massage brings more calm and focus to the workplace, increasing productivity and causing employee-client relations to skyrocket
  6. Better brain performance: Massage stimulates the minds of the receivers to allow people to work more efficiently. One study evaluating subjects' abilities to solve math problems before and after receiving a 15-minute massage showed that the speed and accuracy of calculations increased significantly following the massage.

Treat your team to workplace massage

In an office setting, massage can be performed on fully clothed seated individuals or on a massage table for a more immersive experience. No need to clear a space: Your chosen therapist can complete massage sessions at a workstation or a designated location. Just 15 minutes of massage can do wonders - No need to sacrifice an entire hour!

With Bigtoe, we bring the massage to you. This saves you valuable time and allows your employees to return to work sooner. Are you interested in learning more? Download the Bigtoe app to book your next workplace massage session!

Let's begin!
